Work Experience

Ordered on relevance

  • Worked on the Critical Authoritative Resources (CARE) team to provide accurate resources for important topics like locations of available COVID vaccination centers
  • Designed Python scripts to automate testing in malfunction scenarios by communicating with the flight simulator system and controlling the pilot functions and scenario
  • Optimized navigation through Apache's multipurpose displays by modeling the navigation structure using Python scripts
  • Participated in Scrum meetings to better understand the workflow and learn about the functionalities of the Apache
  • Extracted and integrated data from the interactions students made playing Minecraft by using Social Signal Interpretation pipelines and Tobii Eyetracking to capture gaze data, computer screen recordings, mouse and keyboard activity, and audio
  • Designed a Python system that syncs the gaze data to the video time, cleans the data to properly process it, and uses MoviePy and FFMPEG libraries to overlay gaze data onto computer screen recordings to enhance data analysis
  • Self-taught an introductory computer vision course and implemented Object Detection to track in-game objects
  • Created efficient and scalable algorithms that process 90 gigabytes of video data and creates thousands of high-quality images in a memory-efficient manner
  • Updated the lab website by adding Screen Reader-friendly and alt tags to enable accessibility for people with disabilities
  • Improved our client's garage inventory system by fixing bugs and adding features like adding or moving items with Python
  • Integrated Google Sheets, Google Forms, Slack, and Gmail APIs with Python to create the inventory system
  • Initiated meetings for the team to update clients on progress, ask for feedback, and request action on their end to improve the design of our product
  • Peer Mentored for CS 330: Human Computer Interactions. Made a tutorial video to the basics of Node JS, graded papers, and hosted office hours weekly.
  • Assisted for EECS 111: Fundamentals of Computer Programming by grading exams, conducting office hours, and teaching weekly class tutorials to communicate complex/core CS concepts to novice programmers
  • Emphasized teaching critical thinking and problem solving to a diverse group of students
  • Communicated with client to address her problem of making strollers safer for children
  • Created a product that reduces risk of injuries in strollers
  • Compiled 40 page report on design specifications, testing, and user reports
  • Learned how to communicate politely and calmly with upset customers
  • Learned how to work fast under pressure
  • Learned about food safety
  • Prepared appetizers and ingredients to cook
  • Learned social etiquette in the service department; the customer is always right
  • Developed organization skills under pressure through packing up multiple orders at once
  • Transported about 20 wheelbarrows of wood chips and fertilizer a day
  • Made compost, weeded crops, and harvested crops
  • Learned how to fly an airplane through simulations
  • Learned how to operate and fly drones