Featured Projects


Demo of Tangicraft

Using OpenCV and Mediapipe Hands to detect hand motion, hand gestures, and block locations, we are able to detect when and where a user is grabbing and releasing a block.

We intend to use this block movement detection as an extension to Multicraft, which is a project that provides multi-modal methods of playing Minecraft such as using gaze or speech as ways of input to play Minecraft. This block movement detection will be another mode of playing Minecraft, by using tangible blocks to build structures in real life that can be replicated in Minecraft via this code.

This provides additional affordances to those who may have trouble playing Minecraft in the traditional modes, such as those in the BVI community and younger individuals.

Next steps involve beginning to center our work with the communities we are trying to work with through this project, redefine our positionality as researchers, integrating this code into Multicraft, and refining the heuristics and algorithm used in this code.

Slack Search

Demo of Slack Search

This was a group project made by my team for a class. The objective of this project was to create a way for users to get their questions answered without having to leave Slack, a communication application commonly used by students and professionals.

To approach this, we created a bot that can detect when someone is asking a question. If the question is about the definition of word, the bot takes the context of the conversation and returns a Wikipedia article with the definition. If the question is about where a location is, when an event occurred, or a description of what something is, the bot returns a response from the Encyclopedia Brittanica.

My contribution to this project was mainly creating the context extraction, question detection algorithm, and ":query" command.

Special Mentions

  • Implemented key, render, and event handlers in C++ for a game where players can earn money to set down/upgrade turrets, which then fire dodgeballs at the opposing team
  • Developed physics algorithms to fire the dodgeballs along a trajectory and collision detection for when it hits a person or wall while maintaining game state by tracking money, location of players, turrets, and dodgeballs, and lives of players
  • Created a C++ executable to edit, remove, and add items onto a MySQL database which contains the Divvy Bike stations' address, location, id, and capacity using X DevAPI
  • Implemented a feature that outputs a MySQL data onto an XML file, which was then displayed on a map from an HTML file with Google Maps API, JavaScript, and JQuery through a local server using Python and Bottle


Marcelo Worsley, Kevin Mendoza Tudares, Tim Mwiti, Mitchell Zhen, Marc Jiang